Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gendercide in China and India 

This week I decided to share with you the huge problem that women in China and India have to face every day. The most shocking question is that they don’t have even  more the right to born just because they are girl.
In China exists the one child policy which allowed every family to have only ONE child and to become pregnant the new mums need a birth permit. The consequences of this policy are terrible for the baby girls;
One of the reasons can be found in the cultural preference for boys , but it means that now there are 37 million more men than women living in China. In some places in China there are 130 boys born for every 100 girls .
It Is also important to know that in China to be pregnant without a birth permit is a crime and so if the Family Planning Police find a women in this condition they are allowed to force her to have an abortion .
I think that is awful  that a state provides for such inhuman  penalties.
In another country in Asia there is a similar problem, unfortunately gendercide in India is still a sad reality.
The main reason for this massacre is money ; baby girls are killed because they will become too expensive  for their families , in the Indian society is still alive the tradition of dowry  : “ amounts of dowry have become higher and higher” . This tradition is not  only related to the lower classes of the society .
Even thought the use ultrasound technology to determine the sex of a child is illegal , there are a lot of clinics that offer this kind of technology .
The gendercide of girls will become more and more a problem in the future and not just because men will not be able to get married but also because the world will be deprived of thousands of women and therefore also minds .

In the links below you can find videos, information , and petitions to stop this massacre. 

( Caroline Bastos)


  1. There are many the Chinese who emigrate to Italy and the other countries in order to enjoy more civil rights. Among these rights are also to be free to choose how many children to have. I find it disconcerting that in 2012 there are still some cultures as "limiting" to prevent women the opportunity to become mothers. I think that, rather than promoting one-child law, should promote awareness campaigns to the use of contraceptives, the only way you can control the number of births.
    This law also leads to the difference between the population, in fact, those who are lucky enough to come from wealthy families, they will have trouble for sure to have a number of children greater than that imposed by law. We know that even in this civilization, just to have disposable income to be able to get around the law!

    Eleonora Deidda

  2. In my opinion, the one-child law is absurd.
    It is unacceptable that even today in China this policy is implemented and forces many women to have abortions and to be sterilized, despite the complaints of various associations for the defense of human rights.
    Recently, I read an article on "Il Fatto Quotidiano" about China and the one-child law. In this article it was written that this policy could disappear. Will this be true?
    If this law will not be abolished or amended, it will still continue to have conseguences in many economic problems because the country will face a rapidly aging population and labor shortages. Not only that, another problem is the imbalance between males and females. In addition to this nowadays at least 37 million Chinese can not find a wife.
    The right to life is a fundamental human right that must be protected and defended even in countries where human rights are violated. We have good reasons to believe that we should stop this slaughter of children dictated by an outdated law, which dates back to 30 years ago.

  3. I have read an article last week in an Italian magazine (“Io Donna”) talking about this subject, especially the practice of the selective abortion in India, were there are 905 girls born for every 1000 boys and the birth certificate does not exist, so babies can "easily" be killed, abandoned or sold: a boy for 50.000 rupees and a girl for 15.000.
    I was really chocked by the fact that, as the article said, the number of selective abortions rises (they have been about 12 millions in 25 years) with the improvement of women’s economic and professional conditions: so it is not only a matter of poverty, lack of education, underdevelopment as we can think, because the more women are emancipated, the more they practice gendercide.
    And this problem, as the Chinese one child policy, has a terrible consequence: because of the deep gender gap, there is the development of a “women traffic”, who are kidnapped and sold to rich men, in order to be married.
